Tuesday, July 22, 2014


This week of programming is brought to you by the newest member of the 305/A1A team:

Coach Chad Knopp

Be sure to say hi to Chad when you see him and leave your thoughts in the comments! 

Strength Super Set!
3 rounds
Dumbbell Press, 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Max reps push ups
Rest 60 seconds

Partner WOD!
10 min AMRAP, alternating
Wall Sits
Squat Thrust with Max Jump
*switch when the person doing wall sits can no longer hold

Rest 2 minutes

10 min AMRAP, alternating
Push Up Plank
Power Wall Balls (No squat)
*switch when the person doing plank can no longer hold

Rest 2 minutes

10 min AMRAP, alternating
Bar Hang
Kettlebell Swing
*switch when the person doing hold can no longer hold

Paleo Potluck 11am at CrossFit 305 this Saturday! 
Bring a dish to pass. We'll also fire up the grill.